For the first time ever the BBC will be with the Torch relay every step of the way, broadcasting an estimated 70% of the 8000 mile relay live online...
BBC Proms 2012 season launches
The 2012 BBC Proms is officially launched today, revealing details of the broad-ranging programme of events planned for its 118th season. Opening at...
BBC launches Connected Red Button
The service will launch first on Virgin Media’s TiVo® service as part of the innovation partnership* agreed between the two organisations to create...
Rageh Omaar to present The Life Of Muhammad for BBC Two
The BBC today announces The Life Of Muhammad, a three-part series presented by Rageh Omaar for BBC Two. In a first for British television, from the...
Ray Winstone and Douglas Booth star in Great Expectations for Christmas on BBC One
Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast, Nil By Mouth, Vincent) will star as Magwitch, in Sarah Phelps' (Oliver Twist, EastEnders) bold new adaptation of Great...
Explicit sex ed materials pushed to primary schools
Shocking sex education materials are being pushed by public bodies for use in schools with children as young as five, a new report reveals. The...
Libel Reform Campaign – BBC concede to Trafigura and settle libel action, costs predicted to be £3 million
BBC concede to Trafigura and settle libel action, costs predicted to be £3 million Index on Censorship and English PEN today have expressed dismay...
BBC TV Current Affairs to restructure
The BBC announced today a restructure of its TV Current Affairs department. The changes are designed to ensure the BBC can keep pace with the...
Lacey Turner, Andrew Gower and David Harewood bring passion, drama and horror to BBC Three’s Frankenstein’s Wedding… Live In Leeds
Lacey Turner, Being Human and former EastEnders star, takes up the role of Elizabeth Lavenza in BBC Three's forthcoming live TV spectacular...