The £140,000 Highways Agency project, which involves installing improved signing on gantries along the southbound carriageway between Junctions 31a and 31, will get underway on Monday (January 10) and should be completed by Sunday, January 23.The work will only be taking place overnight – between 9pm and 6am – with one lane open along the main carriageway and a 50mph speed limit in place for about three miles.To allow for safe working on the gantries, the southbound entry slip road at Junction 31a and the southbound exit slip road at Junction 31 will also be subject to three consecutive overnight closures – between 9pm and 6am – from Tuesday (January 11). A signed diversion will be in place. The scheme will also deliver improved, more energy-efficient sign lighting. Highways Agency Project Sponsor Phil Davies said, “Clearer signing along this part of the M6 should improve safety and lane discipline – giving better traffic flows along what is one of the busiest sections of the M6 in Lancashire.“This relatively small scheme is part of our ongoing work in Lancashire, alongside partners like the safer roads partnership, to help reduce road casualties across the county.“As always we have timed the work to minimise inconvenience to drivers but anyone travelling southbound and planning to enter the M6 at Junction 31a or leave at Junction 31 over the next week or so should take note of the dates when those slip roads will be closed.”Up to 140,000 vehicles use this section of the M6 each day. END
Better signing for M6 at Preston