Paddington Bear can breathe a sigh of relief: new figures indicate Britons are rolling up their sleeves to make their own marmalade. New Waitrose...
Louis Patterson
General practice pathfinders now cover more than half the country
In his speech today, The Prime Minister will welcome the groundswell of support from general practices that are now at the vanguard of modernising...
Superdrug make-up survey
One in three women wouldn't dare leave the house without make-up on, a study revealed yesterday (Wed). Researchers found that around eight million...
It takes the average new mother one-and-a-half years to 'feel like a woman again' after childbirth, a study revealed yesterday (Tues). Experts found...
Sainsbury’s to create 20,000 new jobs over the next three years
Sainsbury's has today announced that it will create 20,000 new jobs in the next three years. The jobs, which are the result of the retailer's...
Brits are ditching green or Fair Trade produce in order to save money, research revealed yesterday (Fri). The number of families buying high-cost...
Better signing for M6 at Preston
The £140,000 Highways Agency project, which involves installing improved signing on gantries along the southbound carriageway between Junctions 31a...
More freedom to buy and sell bread and wine
Current laws restrict bakers to producing loaves of unpackaged bread in set sizes while licensed premises are limited to selling alcoholic drinks in...
Traffic Commissioner revokes licence of Loanhead road surfacing firm
Ms Aitken called James Hendry trading as J Hendry Road Surfacing Contractors of Clippens Yard, Straiton Road, Loanhead to a Public Inquiry in...
Thousands of Brits have ditched their birth names for wacky alternatives in 2010 - including a man who gave himself 26 names for every letter of the...
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